Saturday, January 10, 2009

the flat search

lesson learned (an obvious lesson): finding a flat in London is difficult. very difficult.

so for the past couple weeks I have been searching for, looking at, and putting down deposits on flats only to come up short on all counts thus far. here are a few things that differ in terms of searching for a place here vs. the US.

  1. landlords generally do not deal directly with housing applicants, you must go through an agency to find/view a flat.

  2. you are not seriously considered for a place unless you put down a deposit fee.

  3. the landlord can reject your offer even after putting down the deposit.

  4. on top of the initial deposit, there can also be an agency fee.

  5. if you make a deposit, but change your mind about the place, you don't recent your money back.

so yeah. agencies handle the initial work, then the landlord takes over once a tenant(s) moves into a place. it's a proces to say the least. luckily I've had some help throughout this whole process from 4 other girls (all from California ironically) that are part of the BUNAC program too. we were all trying to find a place together (the upside: being able to live in a nicer place with lower per person costs) but decided yesterday it was going to be too difficult (the downside: not enough space or availablility for 5 people in a central location).

we already put down two deposits on places but both places fell through. the first, didn't work out because the agency could not reach the landlord (direct quote from agent, "I think he's dead"), and the second, did not work out because the landlord's wife did not want 5 people in the apartment (even though it was more than big enough).

we have an appointment monday to look at more places (reference image above) so cross your fingers I don't have to continue staying at the International Students' House for another week. it's fairly cheap, but I'd love to receive my privacy back someday soon.

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