Thursday, January 22, 2009

the job


but before I get ahead of myself let me start from the beginning.

after living in a hostel my first week in london I moved to the international students house (ish).

at first, it was a definite upgrade from the first hostel I was in because I had a 4-bed room all to myself. as flat searching dragged on, I eventually moved to a cheaper 6-bed dorm. I met some interesting characters living in that small room, including an old, polish woman (apparently homeless) who loved americans, supposedly she lived in the U.S for a while, and would offer me chocolates and shoes she didn't want anymore. she was only one of the many characters ish provided.

this was only one-side of ish though. I met many new people in the bar/restaurant area of ish and found out that the accommodations there were provided to students from universities all over london, whether it be short or long term. obviously, also to people like me just passing through, but most accommodations were long term for students.

that said, it seemed like a good environment to work in, especially with my international studies major, so I asked about any job vacancies. I was told a full-time front desk receptionist position was opening up soon so I applied. I interviewed for the position one week ago...


about my third week in london I saw a job vacancy posted in the bunac office (my work abroad office) for a student center coordinator position at regent's college.

it sounded like a good opportunity, so I took a chance and applied. I truly did not think I'd even receive an interview but the following week I received a phone call from regent's telling me I'd been short-listed for an interview! I scheduled it the day after my interview with ish.

when I arrived at regent's college for my interview last friday, I felt like such a grown up. I realize that sounds cheesy, but it was my first "real" interview since college and in a way it signaled my entrance into a new phase of my life. the "after college" years. I was interviewed by two guys, one older the other younger, and even though the questions were a bit tough at times, I felt good overall about the impression I had made.

after my interviews I planned an evening out with my roommates to celebrate. before leaving our place, I was messing around on my roommate's laptop when I finally got around to checking my email. the first new message I saw was from ish offering me the full-time front desk position! I was so excited, jumping up and down in my flat with my roommates. my roommate, jenn, actually chronicled the moment:

I went back to the computer and looked at my email again, this time seeing another new message, but this one was from regent's college. I also was offered the student center coordinator position! it was too much for my head to comprehend, realizing I had two great job offers within 3 minutes of each other. wait, what?

so would you finally like to know which one I took? drum roll please.....


this place:

yes sirree, I work at a reputable educational institution right here in london, england. not too bad for my first "real" job. awww, being employed again feels so good.

here is an overview of my job. I plan and organize daytrips and weekend trips for students. my second day of work I had to set dates for 3 saturday daytrips. one to bath, one to warwick castle and stratford, and one to stonehenge and salisbury. these are daytrips that have happened in the past, but I had to figure out how to book each reservation and coordinate with bus transportation. I was pre-warned in my interview that it would be a bit stressful during my first 6 weeks of work (no easing into it, this is head-first job training).

starting tomorrow, my fifth day of work, I must begin to organize weekend trips to paris, edinburgh, and wales. I need to at least start to figure out what dates would work best for each trip so I must contact hostels, check availability of train tickets, and work around a big rugby tournament going on throughout europe. as the job title states, a lot of coordinating is involved with this position.

along with organizing day and weekend trips which also includes making posters to advertise the trips and creating itineraries, I'm gathering information and putting together welcome packs for new students, making and issuing international student cards, managing sign-ups for music rooms, renting out sleeping bags, giving directions around campus, and doing my best to answer an innumerable amount of questions from new students. that's just a general description of my job.

I'm sleepy now so I'm going to wrap this up. thank goodness I don't have to be at work until 10 a.m. but I still must leave my place an hour before.

I'll leave you with my college address, just for fun. and because it makes me feel official:

Chanelle Trowbridge
Student Centre Coordinator
Regent's College
Inner Circle
Regent's Park
London, NW1 4NS


  1. Wow! Pretty neat!!!! I'm quite impressed daughter! I'll be bragging you up at school! We had a "nice" temp. day here in the 30's-now Friday is bk to colder weather. Did you see the inauguration? Cool Cool! Love Dad!

  2. this can't be real. you're like the only real adult i know. congratulations! lucky for you, im not going to get bitter with jealousy, because booking "things" is just about my least favorite pastime ever. the only thing worse for me would be a job as a travel agent! have fun.

  3. Congratulations! What an opportunity. How wonderful for you. Will try to call soon.

